Early AM call from dispatch ... I maybe could drive it but I don't think it would be good for the pump.

By the time roadside gets there it is almost the end of my 10 hours off, by the time he comes back with power steering fluid I'm 'On Duty.' He spends a long time looking for a leak but no luck. Dispatch has another bus down with the same issue. The other one gets fixed first and dispatch is able to tell this guy were to look. Same spot. Nine quarts of fluid and I'm ready to go again. The reason he could not find it is that the buses have an electric motor that runs the power steering and they run at low RPM's / low pressure. A normal pump runs off the engine at high pressure. Finally knowing where to look, he was able to see the hose actually move when I put it under pressure.

IF I had been trying to get to CA for delivery in four days I would have made it to Beach another hour down the road ... If I would have made it without sitting on the side of the road.

This repair took about an hour, then I went back in to pack and eat ... I wasn't going anywhere until he was paid.

First stop, Wibaux scale and talk to Officer Johnson. After asking to see my permit he if I had been driving for quite a long time ... I haven't seen him in at least a couple of years. He started 12 years ago at that scale and I have talked to him at different times. Then he was asking about our former dispatcher that ran afoul of the law, then about different Bennett (RV) drivers that he knows, thinks he knows about 400 of them. Another driver and another officer in the office today so no long conversations.

Miles City, fuel and lunch. 4B's tomato soup and another slice of pie.

Three hours down the road I take a rare half hour break, usually it is combined with eating or fuel. It was after six so I could have eaten but I wasn't up for a McD's and that and shelf food is all at this exit.

I had to 'pre-pay' again at Miles City and I thought $200 would be more than enough ... it wasn't but I didn't want to go through getting the pumps set up again so I left without the tank being full or knowing what kind of mileage I was getting. Now I wanted to make sure I was full so I stopped again before going to the motel. 42 gallons added to a 125 gallon tank, no danger of running out.

The Quality Inn is just another couple of blocks down the street with a large truck lot in the back. NOT happy with the Quality Inn, they no longer have a printer nor a way for the desk clerks to print anything out for me and I need a permit for tomorrow.

Delay - helping roadside fix my bus

1st stop is Wibaux at POE so they can check my permit

2nd stop Miles City, MT at Pilot for fuel then walk next door

3rd stop Miles City, MT at 4B's for tomato soup

4th stop is Columbus at Pilot for a break

5th stop is Belgrade at Flying J for fuel

6th stop is Belgrade at ... the Mexican place next door

7th stop is Belgrade at the Quality Inn