After breakfast we headed down to a local cemetery where with a lot of help from the help we were able to location one of the people from my family tree.

Then off to the trains, we got there plenty early before the crowds. We waited and they boarded us by train car, we were in the last one. By the time we had made reservations, this was the only option of anytime, any day. Wish we had gotten out the back for a photo opp, but other than that it was a good trip. Feed us fruit, nuts, crackers on the way up, and a full meal on the way back. I knew I was not going to like there 'fresh greens' so I ordered the soup. Asparagus soup, really, really good. So was the little about of bacon, lots of bread. Pork wasn't bad either.

The people on the train had taken a few pictures of us, but we only got the one before we boarded.

Everyone was full and tired, but we ended up back at the first place we stopped Tuesday that wasn't open. The winery still wasn't open, bu the brewery was. And the guy from the winery across the street walked in while we were there. They might be in competition but they seem to know each other.

Tonight was a harvest moon so BIL wanted to take some pictures. We started at the (fenced) school, but were afraid they would turn on the game lights right as the moon came up. We headed to another park but saw a vista before we got there. Because of the hills, we were able to see the moon a lot later than we thought. And while we were at the park we noticed a few guys walk to the top, look around but not at the view and then leave. BB finally looked the park up on the web and found it was a major 'pickup point for gays.' We got our pictures and got out of there.

I had wanted a malt, but the place I had looked at didn't have them and our second choice closed before we got there ... they closed early. This one had 'cake shakes,' like Betty's Pies where they just drop in a piece of cake into a shake, but the doors were locked before close time.

We ended up at Baskin Robin's. I was way to full to have gotten a medium. And still stuffed the next morning.