No made to order breakfast this morning, back to the stuff off the warmers. Eggs, bacon plus yogurt for me and toast for BB.

First stop is the Flying J in Cheyenne for fuel, same place as we stopped on the way west. From here BB took a turn at driving until a rest area near Sidney. I retyped some of what I did typed yesterday. I forgot to save it and then deleted it. Oh well, kept me busy.

We thought we were stopping for lunch at a Mexican place called Mi Ranchito. Sign said they were open 11am to 8 pm but we were there after 11 and all was locked up. We didn't want fast food, or County Pride ... so we were going to drive until we found something. Ended up being just across the street at a place called Margaritas. Good food.

I had drive to Ogallala from Sidney, but from here BB took over again. It's nice not to have to drive all the time but I can only spend so much time on the computer in a car without being on the internet. Did see one semi driver parked out in someones field with two cops looking in his truck. Cops cars were on the freeway so I'm guessing the truckdriver had left the road and gone through the fence. It was a van type trailer, not a grain truck that maybe should have been in the field. I had been looking down and didn't see the truck until we were past it.

Lots of RV's and travel trailers moving today, also lots of new package vans, USPS, UPS and FedEx.

BB drove to the Cozad rest area and then I took over again. We stopped at Elm Creek for fuel at Pilot. Fuel was cheaper down the road, but we didn't have enough to get there and not enough difference to stop twice. Another couple of hours and we were in Omaha.

We had looked online and there were cheaper motels in town, but the reviews were not good so we are back at the same motel we were at Friday night. Quality Inn. And we ate at the same place as Friday, Azeteca. Mexican food twice in one day ... but I guess Mexicans likely do that most of the time :)

Not much in the name of excitement on the road today, looks pretty much like it did a few days ago.

Lots of work came and left the board today. Mostly the large RV's that BB doesn't want to drive. So we may end up going back to CA on Sunday. That will give us one day at home to recoup. IF we take that run we should be back on the following Monday or Tuesday.