No write up for yesterday, we sat home all day.

Sat home again today watching the board, at some point they have to start putting huge numbers out there. They did put out about double today but nothing we wanted. We had talked about heading down at noon but that sounded better earlier, once it got be be noon it didn't sound like such a good idea.

Dispatch closes at 5 pm and still no work. Five minutes later they dump 30 on the board including a bunch we will take. So within a half hour we are packed and out the door. We do a drive thru at Arbey's in Burnsville and then on to the Comfort Inn in Albert Lea.

Tomorrow at 8 am we will be dialing with both cell phones to try to get the run(s) we want. There are six to El Cajon or eight to Mesa/Phoenix that will work for us. Not all the units will work, but enough that we should be close to what we want.

That would set us up for a Wednesday delivery and a Thurs/Fri pickup of a bus if he has one for me.

Need to be back for the 6th and the 10th, then again for the 23rd of March.