Now that we have decided to get home today we need to keep moving. Up at 5 AM and rolling my 6:30. Breakfast was the usual. A couple was just checking in as we were checking out, didn't hear their story, but it did take them a while to check in. Will realize later that every minute counts. Frost on the windows this AM, had to scrape.

We are down to 40 mile range when we head out so our first stop is fuel at a Pilot in Oakwood.

Miles fly by, 1st stop after that is at the Spoor River rest area near Dahinda, IL.

Still lots of flooding around the Quad-Cities. Water looks down, but less than a foot. At least it's not going up. I-74 is still closed but no water on the ramps where there was a few days ago. Later in Cedar Rapids the water was also up but didn't see any flooding.

Two hours later we are stopped at an Arbey's in North Liberty just north of Iowa City. Food was good and fresh.

We are north of Waterloo before we start seeing snow other than in piles. Then we start seeing it in shaded area's and drifts.

Two plus hours and we were at the Pilot in Clear Lake with only a few miles to spare on the fuel. Cheapest fuel we found all trip. While we were there I picked up a 2nd gas discount card to use on the second half of longer trips. See if that works. While we were here, dispatch calls while I am in the rest room. Unlike some people who carry on phone calls in the stalls, I waited until I was out to return the call. I am working on Monday. We'll see how much, they said they had 34 buses to move the last 7 working days. Sometimes I work all five days, other times only a couple of days.

Don't need to dig out the car. Snow is gone. Car starts. We move our stuff from one car to the other and are rolling. Lot isn't full but lots of RV's in the other places they park them including a bunch with a rental companies name already on them.

This trip we parted ways. This past winter BB would follow me and give me a ride to the lab from the parking lot, but this time she headed direct to the airport. Minutes count. I walked into the lab at 4:29 and they close at 4:30. So they had to, or did, bring their computers back up and run my test. I hadn't been in any real hurry as I thought they were either open until 5 or 8 PM. Urgent care is, but they are not. BUT they are open on Sundays so that was good to know. I have been driving across town to the only place I knew open if I needed to get work done on a Sunday.

BB was already done at the airport before I got there so no time to spend at the cemetery. We stopped in Newport for to go food before heading home. Snow was melted off our drive so nothing to shovel.

Next week is local, then family stuff on the weekend then heading out of town on Monday if there is still work. April will be the last month we work 'full time' until September. Over the summer it will likely be one long trip a month or a couple of short ones.

Load board was still at 80 so plenty of work heading into next week, hope it holds. No one seems to want the Sacramento RV's we like. There are seven of those on the board for a few days. Rare that anything stays on the board over a week unless there are 100+ on the board.

Still getting trucks out of Marion, WI. I want to try one of those this summer when it is slow. They are all CDL so it would just be me driving heading out which we don't like but it's better pay than sitting home.