Still home.

Blood pressure has stayed down with the new medication so I went back in this AM and passed at the clinic. As long as I was there, I had them call and get me a DOT appointment for tomorrow / Tuesday. But looking at our notes, it takes a day after we pass for my other company to 'see' it.

Board is only at 27. But there are two that we could work with if we could have gone. Not sure how soon dispatch will let us lock in a run. I'm guessing not until the computer is updated.

My prior DOT is still good but I haven't felt like pushing it and working for my local company. Dr said this could likely hang on for two weeks. 1-1/2 behind me so the end is near.

Lots of time to work on the computer, but one day at a time is better for me. I really have a problem just sitting for hours unless the view out the windshield is changing.