Made sure I was to my appointment on time. I was going to have to drive in rush hour traffic so I didn't know what to expect. Got there any hour before the appointment.

No rolling of the eyes by the staff, they just stuck to the facts.

They said they should be able to keep it to an hour instead of the usual hour and a half for most people. I was out of there in 30 minutes. And passed everything so they may have been just doing the basic and as long as I passed that there was not a reason to know where my limits were.

It sounds like most people they see are ones who have been through months of rehab so I was kind of out of place.

Now to see if one Dr words everything in a way that the other Dr accepts it.

Still have to get the Dr to sign off and then 2nd day for all the info to get in the computer system so we'll be in town at least through midweek.

Loadboard ended the day with 56 so there would be something we could work with. Nothing ideal at the end of the day but may have been during the day.