Wasn't watching the load board today but at the end of the day there were still 5 RV's out of IA heading to the places in CA we like to go. One of those routes would have taken us through Gallup NM, which is on a complete lock down. No one in or out. State patrol and National Guard at all 11 entrances.

Total load board is at around 30 still.

Locally we have a rest home that has had 47 deaths and 130 sickened. Same rest home that my uncle was at during rehab ... and I had visited him there. That was six weeks before the first death. My uncle was moved elsewhere about that same time.

So far 270 of the 34 deaths in MN have been at care centers. 99+% of the deaths have had pre-existing conditions. Yet the who state has been locked down.

The RV plant in IA is planning on opening up again on Monday.

I have an online appointment with my Dr on Monday. I'll be asking how soon they think I can go back to work.

No company meetings this week.