Same as the last post ... listened in on our company phone meeting and then to the MN update.

But first bad news for me. For the last five days my blood pressure is back up to where it had been before they added the newest medication. I won't pass my DOT again if it doesn't come back down. OK, I will pass the DOT, just neither company I currently work for will let me drive.

Nothing major on our company meeting. During the Q&A one driver was plugging the use of dash cams. Our company has an agreement with someone where the drivers get free dash cams if they are using some product. It doesn't apply to drive-away, it's a different division. But the driver was saying it has saved him FIVE times. Five accidents that were not his fault. I'm surprised that he is still working for us, even if they were not his fault.

MN update, so far the stay-at-home is still going to expire on Monday. But personally I expect that date to change again. Los Angles area has extended their stay-at-home for another three months. That puts it into the end of July. Guess we will stay away from that area if we do get back on the road.

Eight RV's left out of IA at the end of the day today.

We aren't always staying home. We have taken to doing a 'Sunday drive' once a week to somewhere. A few days ago it was to Luverne MN which is as far as we could go without crossing the state lines. We did find a new Choice Hotel in Worthington, MN on I-90. Huge parking lot as it is attached to a convention center. There is also a very old former Holiday Inn building across the street. It has changed names many times over the years and as of the last couple of years it is now a Ma and Pa hotel. But it still does have a Bar and Grill inside and seems to have a fair amount of business.

We are ready to get back to work ... but we also know that it is not any 'safer' than it has been for the last three months. The only difference is that places should be better prepared to handle the sick. So we may not be heading out next week. Drivers are considered 'essential workers' so if our health was better we could choose to work.