2 RV's to Manteca CA

... spending the night in Sidney NE

I'm now convinced my breakfast at the motels are 'free.' Because when there isn't anything ... the price doesn't go down.

Instead of bacon (meat) and eggs and waffles and fruit there is now about 1/10 of the stuff and it is all pre-packaged. I had juice and a muffin. I did ask on the way out why pre-packaged yogurt wasn't available ... they ran out.

We got going a little after 7 am. Rain had come through overnight, we heard the thunder a few times but all is clear today.

We've done this trip enough so we know where our stops will be.

1st stop, was the Adair rest area.

At some point today an RV just like mine passed us. Then later we passed one of the RV's that we'd seen at the office. He was going 55 mph.

2nd stop was at the QT for fuel. $1.69.

3rd stop was in York for lunch. No Iron Skillet for me, not ready to eat indoors yet. I didn't see any out door tables at Wendy's so we head to McDonalds. As I get out of the RV someone in the lot tells me that only the drive thru is open (and we don't fit.) So we go next door to Arbey's. At Arbey's we can order indoors and there is a nice shady, grassy area. There is also a table but that is in the sun.

While we are stopped, I call the drop. We make appointments for 9:30 and 10:30 on Monday. Hopefully they don't take an hour a piece. I also asked how things would handled when we got there.

4th stop, Cozad rest area. Often times it is the Cozad Caseys because we know we wouldn't have enough fuel to get to Ogallala. Today we both still have a range of <> 100 miles once we get to Ogallala. While BB ran in, I called the west coast dispatcher. He said call him on Monday ... so maybe ??

5th stop. Fuel in Ogallala. $1.59 at Walmart. So that is where we go, and when it has the cheapest gas it is busy. Drove around the pumps a few times before pulling in an open island. And then when we left there was only one of six working pumps in use. Timing.

At one point our plan had been to stop for the night here in Ogallala. But it is only 3 PM local so we decide to keep going to the more expensive/nicer hotel in Sidney.

Lots of hay being made. Lots of brands of hay balers, the big round hay balers. Some people are still doing field work, other places the corn is six inches high ... where the deer haven't eaten it off.

Saw a couple of places today where the irrigation circles were leaking, major. Someone must not have checked them when they turned them on.

6th and final stop is at the Comfort Inn in Sidney. Then we call in an order to the Mexican restaurant and go to pick it up. They don't have it, so I show the person the number and what time I called ... Denver. Opps. So BB orders at this location and I go outside and call Denver and cancel that order.

Here is where we should have gone outside for the 15 minutes it was going to take to make our food. We didn't. The staff was all wearing masks, but until the last group that walked in, no one was wearing a mask and the place was staying '50%' full.

We took our food back to our room. Good food.

Then we went for a walk, our only exercise for the day.

Load board is at 109 out of IA. And if we had headed to SC instead, there is a run coming back to within 20 miles of my house. We'd have been done with our round trip on Monday.

Work is issuing updates on where all the hot spots are for protests. We'll keep watching them.

As of now, we plan on being within a few miles of our drop on Saturday and then take Sunday off, just in case I get a trip.