1 bus to Cincinnati OH, and heading home

... spending the night at home

This motel had breakfast in the AM, two flavors of yogurt, mini-cinnie's and juice. But again, third day in a row, the apple juice tasted like water so I stuck with straight OJ.

We didn't leave the hotel until closer to 9 AM, no reason to rush home.

Yesterday ... just before North Liberty where I-80 and I-380 join, they are re-doing the intersection. We counted 18 large cranes for lifting the beams in place. Wish they would do that in MN where I-94, I-494 and I-694 come together. But no.

1st almost stop was at the former rest area in Nashua, the building is still there but it is closed due to the virus. I guess rest rooms are not essential.

Somewhere after 10 AM we start seeing RV's. Even saw one with the 'winter wrap' on it, that one must have been sitting for a while.

So 1st stop was in Clear Lake at the Culvers. Drive thru line was long and we needed a rest room. In door seating is open but only six at a table, they were telling people they could not move tables to seat more. We ordered to go and there may have been 10-20 people in line when we left waiting for in the one line. I had my second blueberry malt in two days. This one was a little harder to drink as there was a whole somewhere in the middle of the straw. And this one may have had 1/10 of the blueberries as the one yesterday. BB had a burger and I had a reuben. We sat and ate in the parking lot.

2nd stop is Forest City to pick up our car. That doesn't take long.

When we were leaving we noticed there was a camera set up and a few people standing across from the main Winnebago driveway. I also noticed 20+ people wearing matching shirts heading to the 100-200 CruiseAmerica RV's. And that in the background of where the camera was likely pointed, there were a long row of each type of RV lined up single fine. Never seen it like that before. I'm guessing they were doing a promo for someone.

Did also notice that one area again has 100-200 of the Sprinter type vans sitting in it. They don't seem to be slowing down. Our lot is still close to full but nothing in our 'over flow' lot.

I had asked BB if the road was still closed due to construction but I guess she looked at the road that was closed last year (instead of the one closed last week.) and told me no, it was open. But the road that was closed last week was still closed today so we had to take the detour. It doesn't tell you the road is closed until a mile or so before the closure. Heading home it was not a big issue, we followed it half way and then headed to the freeway. No extra miles.

BB was in the lead and had seen a deer cross the road and then cross back again so see slowed. Then the deer crossed a third time with a little fawn behind it. They had a long run to the next wooded spot ...

We have been seeing a lot of road kill. This week it seems like there has been a lot of racoons, lots of little racoons. Earlier on the trip we also saw a few armadillos. Road kill. I don't think I have ever seen a live armadillo in the wild.

BB has the car we will return to the airport so I stop at the near by cemetery and notice that the rear bumper on this car is coming loose again. More duck tape needed. I just put things back in place with the existing duck tape, but that didn't last the half mile to the airport. So once I had picked up BB I stopped in an empty lot and put on a couple feet of new duck tape. That seemed to work. $1.89 for fuel by the airport. Best price we've seen. Airport looks like a ghost town. More cars in the cemetery than in front of the airport.

93 degrees heading home. High of 91 the next two days. My yard work, gardening will have to be early and late in the day. Grass is a little long, still one inch in the rain gauge from sometime last week so nothing looks wilted. But a few things have been chewed off, big leaf stuff so I'm guessing it is dear. All my sunflowers are gone and I don't think it was either the worms or the bunnies, they had made it to about nine inches tall, or that is what is left of the stem.

Load board, down to 66 out of IA, Boise is the longest sets going west. No CA or OR. Still nothing much out of MN for being quarter end. 18 out of WI, six are the center drive cement mixers (I think) and the other dozen are straight truck, non-CDL trucks out of Monroe. Longest ones out of Monroe are two going to OR. Usually the Monroe are local, they have a number of plants around the country so usually the trips are 500 miles max.

No call back from the local company, I will contact them tomorrow.

Covid, deaths are 9 again today so staying down. We will be watching the numbers where we are heading but likely won't turn work down because of it. As we sat in the Culvers lot today we were noticing who was/was not wearing masks. A lot of 65+ were not wearing masks. Handicapped, slow walking but not taking precautions.

Friday is likely the next day we might work. Maybe.