1 bus to Grand Rapids MI

... spending the night at Holbrook AZ

We finally get up at 6 AM local, no reason to get up earlier. No breakfast until 7 AM, all the work trucks are gone by then, maybe that is the reason? Breakfast is made to order, we get eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, toast and juice. All for $30 less than the Comfort Inn which likely has yogurt and water ???

The trucks that were here last night are gone, but there are trucks still here that must have come in later. Lots of room so lots of business.

1st stop in the rest area in Essex.

The POE / port of entry is almost a non-stop. I stop on the scale and show the person in the booth my permit out the window. He looks at the permit, looks at my placard and says 'have a nice day.'

2nd stop was going to be at the TA in Kingman at the Black Bear Diner. We got off on the exit and the car ahead of me on the ramp took the last open spot on the cross street. That gave me time to see the police had the road blocked. No one was getting north of the freeway right then. Not sure the issue, didn't sit there to find out.

We did see an In-n-Out, but by the time we saw there was a strip mall near it, we were past the exit ...

So Loves it was, Subway. Ordered in, ate out. Fuel lanes were backed up out on to the highway when we got there but I was able to wind my way through and find a place to park. Now that I know where overflow parking is we don't need to go in that way any more. The other two truck stop ... Flying J has a Denny's and Petro has an Iron Skillet. No fast food at either of those.


As soon as we pulled out of Loves the bus was making a very loud wining noise. Anytime the engine was pulling it was wining. The only time it wasn't was on the down grade. Very loud. Two hours to the next stop. No lights on, nothing I could do if I did stop and look at it, so I kept going.

3rd stop was the Loves in Williams for fuel. Only one person ahead of me so I backed in and waited. Then backed into fuel. Couldn't get the pump started. Called the desk a few times. Pump would say fueling for a few seconds and then go blank. Finally they said to move to the next pump. I did, but I should have looked at it first. This one said right on the screen that it was not working. They have one more pump in the car island. One car ahead and I didn't have to wait long. This one works. But I am busy thinking about other things and when the pump stops, I just hang it up, grab the receipt and leave.

I don't check to see how full the tanks got all I know is the pump shut off. Some times the credit cards have a max of $125 and this receipt was for $125.09. Never have seen a pump go even a cent over a credit card limit so I'm guessing the tanks were full. This stop took 45 minutes. The last fuel fill took 5 minutes.

And we were off. No noise. Not sure what that was about, we still had lots of climbing to do before the down hill from Flagstaff.

4th and final stop is the Quality Inn in Holbrook. We had looked at the EconoLodge. Not much reason to pay extra for a 'hot breakfast' when there no longer is one. But we end up at the Quality Inn again. A few trucks already but I found my place to park.

Denny's is a half mile walk and an Italian place is another quarter beyond that. I try to call the Italian place to order ahead but not answer each time. We finally walk down to the Italian place, most of the way ... until we could the 'closed' sign. ?? Someone had just reviewed it online a couple of days ago. The motel front desk still had it on their list.

Back to Denny's. They do have indoor seating but we order to go. I wait outside, BB sits inside until it gets to crowded. We do get our food and back to the room. Good food. But twice today we had to 'settle' for something other than what we wanted.

Today we saw 11 Amazon Prime delivery vans in transit. Three UPS delivery vans, lots of buses, RV's and other trucks. I-40 is a busy route for transporters.


US - 151

IA - 39

MN - 6

WI - 1