DMV opens at 8 AM, I decided to wait until 9 AM and was kind of expecting that I would need an appointment or be sent elsewhere.

The line looked long when I parked, but once I got to the line I found out that mot of those hanging around had already been checked in and were waiting their turn.

Two people ahead of me. It surprised me, but both people I talked to today knew what I was talking about and how to handle it. It is now a three step process. The first person is standing inside the building, working through an open door. They have the appointment list and were pretty good at answering questions for walk-ups. The second person is inside the building and when it is your turn, they ask you questions and take your temp. The third step / person is the one person you normally would have talked to.

Interesting that yesterday at the clinic my temp was not taken. They take it here, they take it at my work ...

First the first person wanted me to scan myself in so I could get put in line. That is the normal way now. Then you will receive a text when it is your turn. When I said I had likely uninstalled my scanner, they looked at my paperwork. Then took it and walked it in for me. I did have to fill out one sheet there, but I had a copy of last years so I just filled this year out the same.

I'm guessing they whole thing took about 30 minutes.

As soon as it was submitted, BB sent the paperwork off to the long haul carrier and we headed to the local company to drop off a hard copy.

The person I needed to see locally was out, but one of the dispatchers saw me and asked ... This dispatcher starts at the right place ... "Would you like to move a CHASSIS from Duluth to here tomorrow?" Other dispatchers either wouldn't know, wouldn't care or would intentionally hide the fact that it was a chassis. Very important to me. I stopped driving those after I got rear ended almost a dozen years ago.

Now we have to wait overnight and hope that my info gets entered into the long haul system tomorrow. I have found where it shows on the computer so as soon as we see it, the dispatchers can see it and we are good to go ... but go where?

Also spent some more time working on the paperless logs. I posted on our FaceBook work site about the issue and someone seemed to know what they were talking about. I now have everything IN the system the way I want it, but it doesn't show on the printed copy the way I want it. Even though I changed the carrier name and address, it is still pulling the info from a file I can't see or change. I might have to call the long haul carrier tomorrow to see how they are doing it :)

Load board

US - 287

IA - 119

MN - 5

WI - 6

1 Davis CA left, 1 WA left, 1 OR left, 1 southern CA left.

2 to Tu cson, cars are too much. 2 to Marysville WA ... no thanks.

Now we are looking at runs that are 600 miles less, that's $600 less before expenses. Idaho Falls, Draper UT, Albuquerque.

More likely we would look at the runs going to NC and SC. Sometimes we can get second leg trips out of there. That stuff doesn't stay on the board long but it is there.