Available, but no work today.

I had both emailed and talked to dispatch on Friday but they didn't have anything to line up for Monday. But lots of times there are trucks that come into the office/lot over the weekend and then dispatch needs someone to delivery them Monday morning.

Office opens at 8 AM, but my plan is to wait until 9 or 9:30 to call them to give them time to deal with some of the issues that came up over the weekend.

But at 8:55 I get a call from dispatch. They have a hot run they SHOULD be getting and it needs to be picked up and delivered today. For us it is about two hours to the pick up location, then two hours to the drop so it shouldn't be an issue. Money's good. They try to ask me what a good rate of pay would be but I remember before. If I don't say anything, they will give me a number that is higher that what I would have asked for. Same again today. Money is good. We agree to do the run.

Dispatch calls back a few minutes later, they have the paperwork and want to know how soon I can be there. We have decided 'within the hour.'

Before we get out the door we get another call. CANCELED. That doesn't surprise me, when everything is moving that quickly, not everyone has had their say and when they do ...

I told them I was still available.

That was it. The rest of the day I watched the load board for the other carrier. IA started the day at 10, spent most of the day at 7 and then late in the day it went up above 10 but ended the day with 10. No matches that work for us.

MN and IA were -0- most of the day also.

Now as I am writing this I look at phone to see how long it was between the 1st and cancel call. Dispatch has been trying to call me !?!?!?

I was never more than a few feet from my phone and didn't hear it ring. As we are trying to figure out my phone, BB calls me and it rings on her end and goes to voice mail. I am six feet from her, have the phone in my hand and nothing. The next time it does work.

And we seem to have the phone figured out to show how many missed calls, voice mails, texts now. It still does not show without swiping the screen but I no longer need to open each app. The old phone would show every few minutes without touching the screen.

Load board

US - 146

IA - 10

MN - 3

WI -0-