BB passed her DOT this AM, no issues.

Then we went to the DMV to get her info in the state system. When I went there a month ago it took me about 15 minutes total. We got there today and it took about 15 minutes ... just to get a number. With an estimated wait time of 2 hours.

We went and got lunch nearby and then came back and sat and waited. Lots of time to sit and watch all the people taking their road tests. No accidents today, one was close.

It ended up taking 3 hours from the time we got there until she was done. And the actual face to face time was about five minutes.

Other things going on in our lives and we forgot to email a copy to the main office.

Now we are not sure when we will be back on the road. Maybe we will be doing some local stuff this next week.

Messaged with one of our long haul drivers and he said that two of the bus locations are hurting for drivers (and I sit home)

Load board

US - 117

IA - 14

MN - 7

WI -0-