Winter storm warnings! For Iowa through Thursday night.

So we didn't call in for any work going anywhere. We may call in Thursday AM to leave out on Friday (sometime.)

We did watch the load board, very, very little was getting taken off the board. Likely between 5 and 10 were taken off. So between 45 and 50 new ones were added.

I had thought that we would have taken something Tuesday, and if we had we most likely would be delivering by Friday and heading back for more. This is what happens when we get home. Something seems to happen, in this case the weather, and we don't get running again. So we aren't just off our appointment day. We have now been off for a week, since we delivered.

Also, I got a call from my local company wondering when I will work again. We could have done local the last couple of days be we were watching the weather and the board.

The other thing that played into all of this is the $10 a day cars are gone from the west coast. And the best paying runs are gone. So together we are looking at $400 or more less pay for the same trip as if we had left last week.

And it's not just the storm in IA. Forecast is for storms in MT from Thursday thru Sunday in Montana.

TUESDAY Load board

US - 259

IA - 103

MN - 1

WI - 5

Today Load board

US - 311

IA - 141

MN - 3

WI - 1

Right now, it looks like our best run is back to CA. Right down I-80 again. There is one Gilroy and one Davis. Neither are no-tows, so those better paying runs are gone. These two locations are about two hours apart, we think we have done both in one day before.

If we left Friday, we'd delivery on Tuesday.

And there are still three OR trips left that could run together. The fourth one is Bend and it is on the way to no where. No where you want to go with an RV. We've done the road in a car. No fun in the dark.

The other two we checked were Boise and Seattle. They would work if there wasn't anything else.

But we keep going back to the places where we can get a 2nd leg. Getting paid both directions pays twice as good as getting paid one direction. And I just did the math and that is true on these runs.

Even from the OR to WA trip, prices of rental cars went up another $100 overnight.