2 RV's to Selma SC

... spending the night at home

Today we weren't in any rush to call dispatch. Usually we call in at 8 AM when they open or when dispatch adds something new. Mid-morning we decide to call.

We called and got to no-tows to Selma NC. 1,200 miles. We plan on pulling out sometime tomorrow so we won't need to do 500 miles a day. Right now the closest runs coming back to Effingham IL. Nothing coming our way out of Shelby right now. But we will wait to call for a trip back until Monday, unless it is coming back to WI, IA or MN.

Received an email now that my local company that we will now get 4x the point (just like the long haul company) but I will have to start using their company WEX card to get points.

Load board

US - 409

IA - 179

MN - 1

WI - 5

We have about three plus weeks before I/we need to be back for local / quarter end work. We could do three trips to the Carolina's. Even three round trips. Or even more short trips.