1 city bus heading to Laramie WY

... spending the night in Rocklin CA

Breakfast. Today I asked for a sandwich from the front desk and BB found an omelette in the fridge. I also had a yogurt. There are big signs saying 'Do not have more than 2 of each item.' I looks like they have work crews that stay and maybe they are filling their lunch boxes? I had noticed last night the fridge was full of yogurt, but this AM my choices were limited.

I called for my NV permit before heading out. We guessed we would be to the border in less than two hours.

1st stop was the rest area at Donners Pass. This program doesn't know where that is so I had to enter Soda Springs.

When I was pulling in, I noticed the area was mostly full so I had thought of backing into the end car spots. Then I saw a truck opening so I pulled to the far end ... and noticed a semi behind me. So I ended up parking between the cars and waved to the semi driver that there was one opening left on the far end.

As I am pulling into my spot there is a dog dragging a long chain, I had to driver over it to get out of the travel lane but I made sure I didn't park on it. When we come out of the rest room an older (than me) guy askes if I have seen his dog. I point to it and tell him I drove over the chain. He says I should have parked on it. The dog got loose and doesn't listen. The old guy doesn't move fast so I head off after the dog who is now sniffing at everything as he heads to the freeway. Another gal asks if it is my dog and I tell her who's dog it is.

We keep following it and calling to it but it doesn't look back. Then when it does look back, she stops, yells to it and runs away from the dog. The dog follows, he thinks she wants to pay. The lets the dog catch up to her and grabs the chain. I never would have thought of that. :)

We usually stop in Fernley and had planned on stopping today because that is the cheapest fuel. But it will be too early to eat and Winnemucca is another two plus hours beyond making it a late lunch. So we pass on the cheap fuel and stop in Lovelock instead.

2nd stop is the Port O Subs in Lovelock for lunch. They have tables out side and today, out houses out back.

3rd stop is Winnemucca at the Pilot for fuel. I had hoped we would have different stops today after stopping in Lovelock. Battle Mountain? Wells? But fuel is $.30 a gallon more after here. And this is already five cents more than Fernley.

When we pull in, only one island is open and that still has a semi in front of it. I pull almost up to the bumper and the hose will reach, as long as I am holding on with both hands. I end up putting in almost 50 gallons and the fuel gauge had only dropped an 1/8 of a tank. So most buses don't have gauges, what good is one that doesn't work?

I call my bus dispatcher and tell him I will need to go 40-50 miles past my drop to get a wash. No problem. So now we don't need a local rental to pick up our one way. :) But BB will still need to follow me back to the drop before backtracking and heading home.

4th stop was for a break in Elko at the Sinclear truck stop. I notice an issue with the bus and call the shipper. OK to run.

5th and final stop is the Quality Inn in Wendover. And food is NOT the food truck. It is not there and the other three food trucks nearby are sitting there but closed. So we walk to the new Mexican place. Looks open, but the 'Coming Soon' signs are still in the window.

So we go to the gas station, it shows it has an Italian Pizza place, a Krispy Chicken and a Subway. Never did see the chicken, the pizza place shared a menu screen with Subway but they said no pizza. They didn't say when or why. The boxes were still stacked behind them and the screen was on showing the prices.

So we had Subway.

When we get back to our hotel, I decide to listed to a message on my phone. But as I often do, I hit the call button instead of the listen button. I hang up but the person calls back before I have listened to their message. And we talk for about a half hour.

By then the sandwich was cold, Subway bread gets real chewy after being heated and let cool. And their steak was real chewy too. Not good. But food.

Load board

US - 424

IA - 122

MN - 10

WI - 24

There had been a trip from Stockton back to the midwest earlier today ... that would have worked if I didn't already have a bus.

Nothing that works for a 3rd leg yet.

Big news is the pipeline in the SE. BB listened to our company meeting today while I was driving and the company had people from Pilot/Flying J, Loves, TA/Petro and our own fuel guy all talking about it and what to do and how they will keep us updated.

It sounds like the truckstops shouldn't have too much of a problem. They have the fuel, they just need to truck it instead of pipe it. And they are working on getting drivers and trucks moved to do that from other parts of the country. Stations without their own trucks are the ones who will be hurt the hardest.

I wasn't listening so I don't know if they said how long this is supposed to last.