2 RV's to Davis CA

... spending the night at Ankeny IA

We have six days to get to CA so we are in no hurry today. No alarm ... breakfast ... was at our house :)

We got going a little after 8 AM, we had done the math and we could get to Omaha by leaving at 8:30.

1st stop - Burnsville for a clinic visit.

2nd stop was in Owattona for $2.86 fuel at Fleet Farm. We weren't on 'E' yet but it is getting cooler so we don't want to leave it on 'E' anymore this season.

3rd stop was at Jerry's Taco's in Forest City. It wasn't quite noon but we decided to eat before getting our RV's. Today I had two taco's, a pizza was going to take 20 minutes ... we were told it would be worth the wait.

Still in Forest City we pick up our RV's. Today it took over an hour, we were in no rush and we hadn't seen one of these before so we both took our time. No issues, just going slowly.

New people getting trained/oriented today. Others picking up, two of them were couples. One we didn't talk to at all, the other I asked a couple of questions to. That one had a tractor chassis there that was going to be dropped a few towns away, it was for a different driveaway company.

4th stop was for fuel in Clear Lake at the Pilot. We wouldn't have needed to stop yet but it is the cheapest fuel for the next day or ?? While we are there another driver came up to us and started talking. He had just gotten back from Phoenix this AM, now he was headed to KY. And he lives in Louisiana. The drives other things but loves driving the RV's. We talked long enough that even BB came over for a bit :)

At some point going down the highway BB pulls out to pass, which she rarely does. I see that I am down below 65 mph but we are going up a hill so I think maybe this this is just gutless. Then she passes and I fall in behind her ... nope, this thing is not gutless. It has 'accident avoidance' and I was following a truck. :) I still have not had a vehicle yet that tells me when that thing kicks in, I wish they all would.

5th and final stop is the Sleep Inn in Ankeny. Not even 4 PM but the next town with nice hotels is Omaha and that would be another two hours and well past dark. We can still make Sidney tomorrow if we get an early start, that was our goal for day two.

We walked !! We haven't done much of that anywhere. When we went out to get our food later we were reminded why. BB's knee is now hurting to walk on. Before it was her ankle.

But we did walk. First we started walking around the pond, but that was a game of 'twister' to try to stay on the sidewalk and not step in goose pooh. As soon as there was a split we got away from the pond. Geese pretty much were covering the pond, sitting within three feet of each other, 100's of them. And then sometime they come out of the water to eat and ...

Food was Outback. That is why we stay here instead of the one 20 miles down the road. All that one is near is the HiVee and Fleet Farm.

I thought I was going to just get soup tonight but ended up with chicken alfredo again. Ate half and saved half for breakfast.

Load board

US - 439

IA - 240/235

MN - 2

WI - 3

Still lots of work on the auction truck list. :( ... when we are not going to be in town.

Weather looks good for the next couple of weeks.