2 RV's to Morgan Hill CA

... spending the night at Laramie WY

Biscuits and gravy was the hot food here. I stuck with yogurt, I got side tracked and forgot to grab juice.

... ahhh. Last night I realized I forgot the power cord for my phone so this AM I stopped at the front desk to see if they had a collection of them, they did not. But that was enough to throw me off of my routine.

I did spend some time going through my stuff looking for a 2nd cord. I found the one I bought when my backpack was stolen, wrong size ... then I found my old phone, wrong size. Then I realized that I likely did not have a spare. My 2nd cord is plugged into a wall at home for when we are home.

1st stop was the TA/Shell in Alda. Today fuel is cheaper at Shell with our discount. A couple there with a moving van that started asking us questions about the RV's.

Somehow I put 24.5 gallons in a 24 tank and it was not even showing empty. Had lost the range so I knew I was getting low.

2nd stop was the Loves / McD's in North Platte for food ... and a new power cord for my phone.

3rd stop was for fuel in Sidney at the Loves. We didn't need fuel again yet but we are buying where fuel is cheaper. And the price is going up each time we stop heading west.

4th stop was the Port of Entry near Burns. Mostly a quick in and out.

5th stop is at Buford, population 1, for fuel. It will be the last fuel we see under $4. I asked the clerk if the population was still '1' and he said yes and walked away. :)

6th and final stop is Laramie. 1st we stop at the Big D / Papa John's for food. They were just taking the first round of pizza's out of the oven so we waited until they had them on the shelf, all dozen plus of them. I picked a Canadian bacon and had them put black olives and pineapple on mine.

Then we headed to the Comfort Inn. After we ate we went for a rare walk. The temps are in the 40's. The were down in the 30's coming across the pass by Buford. We can see it snowing in the distance but here it is sunny and most of the snow has melted. Less had melted in the higher elevations.

Fuel mileage went from 15, to 14.9 and back up to 15.1. BB is up to 15.4 mpg but that may change tomorrow when we hit a stronger headwind in the afternoon.

Looking ahead at the fuel costs, $4+, $5+ then $6+ by Monday in California. We have come in way under the first two days so we should still do OK.

Transporters - We only saw one today. We met a city bus heading to Delaware, that may have what I saw in Omaha yesterday also. But yesterday I saw it too late and traffic was to heavy. But I knew it was out of place.

Also yesterday I saw a cement truck transporter on the side of the road, when I went by I could hear one of his alarms going off. Something was not secured. Been there, done that. For me it must have been the weekend and I just bought ear plugs :)

Really nothing exciting today on the highway.

A couple of more things from yesterday. Closer to Des Moines in I-80 we had noticed a couple of irrigation circles blown over when we came back from Grand Junction last week. Yesterday I noticed three. All three had fallen so they were partially on the interstate right-of-way. And the only one in a crop field looked like it had happened since the corn was planted, (now the corn was coming up) and someone had taken a four wheeler out to look at the damage, something we hadn't seen last week.

And there was the place the police had someone pulled over. What was different about this one was that it looked like a couple of middle class 30 something females with a pre-school child standing with them. And the cops were going through their luggage ...

Load board

US - 524

IA - 243/237

Tonight there is a garbage truck from Las Vegas back to MN. NOT sure I want to ride in one of those for 1,000+ miles ... I start complaining at 500 miles. And depending which brand it is, BB will still have to drive the rental car back because there is no where for the luggage ... inside.

Tomorrow we should make it to Wendover, then can not cross the NV border until we have a permit Monday AM.