2 RV's to Draper UT (delivered)

... spending the night at Rock Springs WY

Ugh ... rough night. We need to eat food that doesn't taste so good so we don't eat so much of it. I wasn't full last night until the last two bites but at 2 (?) in the morning I was up and in pain. BB was also up a couple of times. Good food, just too much of it.

BB is up before the alarm but we still end up getting out of the hotel late.

Breakfast is made to order omelets so that takes a little longer. It did give me time to go out and get my jacket. It was 52 degrees when we got up this AM, down a few from the 102 in NE.

All the big rigs from last night are gone before we are, but there is one boom truck still in the lot so I have to see what company is moving those. :)

1st stop is 15 miles down the road at the Loves in Green River. BB decides she needs fuel so she puts in six gallons and I put in two. We park on opposite sides of the pump so we only have to start it once. Saves us the company fee.

BB's range went up, mine did not. Not sure how these new computers measure things. They should be able to tell if I added 1/10th of a gallon but don't.

2nd 'stop' is in Evanston at the rest area. But only for long enough for a very short conversation. Last night we had talked about stopping in Evanston for fuel, that would be 100 miles from the hotel. Then we would stop again in Park City, 50 miles from Evanston and 50 miles from the drop. Then this AM BB said she wanted to stop at the rest area instead ... so I 'assumed' she was talking about the rest area in Evanston we have been stopping at any time we don't need fuel in Evanston. Nope, she was talking about the rest area in Echo that we have NEVER stopped at before. She knew, I didn't.

So we headed out without 'stopping.'

At the scale the line was long, from where I was sitting I could see the sign for the scale said 'Turn Right' ... instead of exit to freeway. It took a long time for the driver to finally pull off the scale and around to park. Then a couple of minutes after he goes in the scale house he is coming back out ... that was quick. Nope, he then goes back in with a lot more paperwork. That is usually what they want to see ... although one time they only wanted to see my license , to make sure I had the tanker endorsement. 

3rd stop was the rest area near Echo. BB went in, I took pictures. Before we left I saw a guy who was sitting on his skateboard heading down the hill in the parking lot and out on towards the highway. Then he backed up, it must also be electric, and was gone.

Then when we pulled out I saw a cop in the median a block down the hill. I'm thinking that guy was going to ride the board to the bottom of the hill on the shoulder if the cop wasn't there ... maybe?

We do not need any more fuel so we head out again, BB will go her way and I will go mine.

The reservoir near Echo is up to the flood gates, first time I may have ever seen that.

4th stop, yikes, is at a Maverick in Draper. There is a line of cars as far as I can see past the station on the street and cars are parked in line every which way trying to get out.

But a lot of those in line are semi's that can't get going when traffic starts moving so cars do clear quickly every time the light changes. I don't want to be in that line, I want to be in the next lane over so when there is a break I cut across ... only half watch to see if no one is coming in the non-turn lane. No one hits me but they are right on my bumper.

5th stop is the drop for me in Draper. The 'drop' gate is closed so there is a line. I get just off the street but am blocking another driveway. I talk to another driver a couple of minutes before someone needs me to move. Then the gate opens and we pull ahead. I am told to park in a different area than the others so I don't talk to them again.

Opps, BB has the one screw driver we have for the plate screws. I text her and she stops and calls. By now I have gotten the OK to leave my RV before it is signed off and I was expecting her to be here. But things took longer at the rental car area also.

6th stop is back at the rental place to pick up BB's RV. Traffic is crazy and BB is getting flustered. She decides to fuel at a grocery store instead. Right on the way and no hassle.

By the time I get back to my RV the first driver has been inspected and is waiting for a taxi, by the time I grab my plate he is gone. He may have been the one we past on the way down the biggest hill riding his breaks but we'll never know.

Then BB showed up and I got the OK to let her past the gate and helped her park. Then we waited in the 90+ heat with little shade. We should have asked if we could wait inside or in our car but we didn't and they were all on the other side of a fence.

7th stop was In-n-Out ... if there is one close to our drop, that will be lunch.

Lots of MN rental work, plus a few out of Grand Junction CO ... heading to California. I was watching for ones from there heading east, but not today. I had talked to my local dispatch last night so they knew where I was if there was any work and they haven't called so we head home.

Less than an hour down the road there are two trucks out of SLC heading to MO but we are just heading into the canyon and have time to think about it before there is a place to turn around. BB want's to be out of SLC, too much traffic.

If we had still been in SLC we likely would have driven past to see what they were. The are list as tractor ... so they could have no where for a passenger or luggage ... or could be a cargo van, who knows. We won't.

Cheapest hotel is the one we were in last night. We will not get extra perks because we are staying two nights in the same location. But the other hotel is $40 more. The math doesn't work to pay more to get perks this time.

8th and final stop is the Clarion in Rock Springs.

We try to order online from Applebee's, then we try to call a couple of times ... the computer says 'Goodbye.' So we decided to drive over in case they were open. They were. And inside we got ignored also. Until we got the correct person. Then we quickly got our food, only issue was they stacked the soups and once spilled. But soup and salad was lighter food than another full meal.

Load board

US - 129

IA - 10

MN - 4

Not sure what tomorrow will bring. We made enough money with a one way trip we'll be OK. Another reason that BB wasn't wanting to grab a truck right away. Now we are 2nd guessing ourselves.