2 RV's to North Canton OH

... spending the night at Holiday City OH

Alarm at 5:30 AM. Breakfast is real eggs, bacon, potatoes, etc. I thought the eggs were good the first couple of bites, but then I realized that they were very, very salty. So salty that I quit eating them.

We pull out at 7 AM. It is close to first light. IA scale is open but everyone is rolling across it including us.

Just a few miles down the road and my check engine light comes on. BB says hers came on about a half hour later. That 'should' be early enough that it has time to re-set on it's own before we get to the drop. I have checked and there is a dealer less than 30 miles from the drop so we'll have a few more hours for it to re-set tomorrow.

Today we don't stop in Center Point, but we have on other trips. Right across from the truckstop is a Case farm dealer. Over the last few months the place has become just about empty, I thought maybe they were closing down. The last time I only could see four pieces of new equipment. Two tractors, a rake and a ... small square hay baler. I didn't realize they even made those anymore. I never notice them being transporter or sitting in lots. But now I have looked them up and most everyone still makes the small balers.

1st stop is for fuel in Davenport at Loves.

2nd stop is the Loves in Utica for fuel and food. By putting in fuel here, we will have enough to get to OH where fuel is a little cheaper and from there we will make it to our drop. Food here is McD's. I end up with nuggets. Haven't had them for a while, and it will likely be a while longer before I do again.

3rd stop is the rest area in Rolling Prarire IN. A little over two hours. Seems longer coming past Chicago. Traffic isn't stopped but heavy. I find a truck going a little over the speed limit and follow him almost the whole way. People don't ride as close behind you if they can see you are following a semi.

I noticed the billboard for the Loves on Grant says that they only sell truck diesel now. We used to stop there when it was a Flying J and we needed propane. Not a nice place 20 years ago. Not sure what it is like now. I had thought we might stop there if Utica didn't work. Glad we did not.

On both the Indiana entrance and exit to the tollway, we used the 'ticket' lanes. There are EZ-Pass only lanes but I generally avoid them. Today there was a semi on both ends stuck in the EZ-pass only lanes that couldn't get the arm to raise, their pass wasn't working.

4th stop is the Loves in Edon for fuel and food. We put in 13 more gallons each, eventually. The fuel desk couldn't get our pumps turned on. They called Love's tech support and tried a few things including re-booting those pumps. Finally we moved to another pump.

Our hotel does have an in-house restaurant, T-Sat. Today is Monday. So we get food at Arby's. Gyro's. Worst bun/bread I have had anywhere. BB is just done with gyro's. We'll see on that, there are only two items she can get turkey and this is one of them.

From here BB makes a reservation for the closest hotel. We had hoped to make it another hour from here, instead we will do 10 minutes. There was also a place 30 miles down the road that showed a Best Western on the map but the map was old. Now it is a ma-pa hotel.

5th and final stop is the Quality Inn in Holiday City. I have stayed here under various names ... hotel names, not aliases for me. 100's of rooms and they are about empty. But when we walk in, we can hear the person in the next room ... why ... why ... ???

Today it was raining almost all day. Luckily we got out of IA, there was a tornado tonight in the area we passed through at 8 AM today. One of the other drivers said they re-routed their trip to avoid the tornado ... and then got stalled on the side of the road and then towed.

Load board

US - 188

IA - 81

Tomorrow will be interesting. 1st we need for the check engine lights to go out on their own. Then we still have 200+ miles to go. And there is a storm coming into the mid-west so even tho that is home, we may not want to take a trip back there quite yet.

The short trip we had looked at yesterday is gone from near our drop.

More work back in MN if we had gotten that local trip there :(