... spending the night at home

BB was awake at 2 AM doing the math in her head on the trips on the load board.

We are up and talking by 7 AM. Finally she starts making comments that she is so tired that she can't think straight. We stop talking about taking any work today.

There are trips heading to CO, the northeast and local. But all are marginal on the $$$ end. I could also call the local company but I've told them I am NA until later this week.

Ahh ... later this (next) week. We only have one car and BB has plans on Thursday all day and part of the next couple of days so I can't have any plans ... unless someone comes and gets me. Then next Sunday we have plans with family.

After that ... Jan 30 ... we are free until ??? Hopefully by then there is better paying work. We have the time to do it.

Load board

US - 134

IA - 23/22

MN - 2

WI - 6

We are hoping that the rental dispatcher puts more work on the load board early Monday AM. There are two trips that could work, if we want them. Fargo to Owattona. And a two legged trip from IA to MLW and then back to Dodge Center. Marginal work, but it is work.