1 trash truck to Hartland WI (delivered)

1 trash truck to Rock Island IL (Wednesday)

... spending the night at La Crosse WI

Up and down for breakfast. As we are leaving the hotel someone asks me something which I don't understand so I just say no and keep walking. When I go back in for my receipt, I see that that person is the desk clerk. He starts asking questions about what we do ... at the end of the conversation I see that he is asking because of the discount we got on the room. (It may be good to give more vague answers in the future)

Because I didn't get a good copy of my paperwork last night, we stop at the Loves in Oakdale to have them printed. BB has emailed them ahead of time so they are ready to go.

Traffic is not too bad in the usual slowdown places. Sometime this AM BB and I talked about not committing to any trips until we drop todays truck. A few minutes later ... ring ... it is dispatch wanting me to line up another trip to IL for tomorrow. As BB is answering the phone and putting it on speaker, traffic comes to a dead stop. Then a couple of squad cars go past us. Not a good sign. Google shows where the issue likely is based on the freeway being red there.

It is less than a mile from where we stopped so our wait was not that long. It was right as the two lanes narrow to one lane because they are re-paving the other line. The issue was that a flat-bed semi lost part of it's load. Two of the rolls of steel are on the ground and the rest are in a mess on his trailer.

Two hours later when we come back the same way, the rolls are still on the side of the road but the truck and back up are gone.

BB needs to stop for a break at this Loves before we go to the shipper. Shipper is less than a mile away at a NAPA/something. Turns out they built this truck for this customer here. Brand new truck. They don't want to sign anything, not their truck. As soon as the air builds up we are good to go.

Dispatch doesn't answer so I head back to Loves. I have to drop at 1/4 tank and that is where it is now. I guess 7-8 mpg and add that much fuel. When I call dispatch back they do answer. I tell them all is good and they say that is the best news, the only good news they have had so far today.

Cruise is governed at 65 mph, but I can go faster not using the cruise. I go with 65 mph except when I try to pass someone and they speed up.

My 1st stop is the rest area in Poynetta. When I walk back out I see BB getting out of our car. I try to hide but it is kind of hard when I am wearing a reflector jacket.

Another hour to go from here. I will have enough fuel. If I had guessed 10 mph I would have had to stop again. So I guessed pretty close.

When I get to the exit, I do not remember being here before. But as soon as I get down the street I remember almost everything. We dropped a Waste Management truck three doors down from where I will be dropping this one today.

I find it with no issues. Take my pictures. Find someone to sign. They sign before seeing the truck. Later as I am walking away, they are still looking at it so I ask if all is OK "Looks like a truck" was their reply.

Today BB is hungry also so we stop at a chick-fil-A before we get back on the freeway. Then 20 miles down the road we stop for fuel, it is $.40 cheaper here than by the drop. This truckstop has really good bakery goods but BB didn't buy any. We've been eating enough of that kind of food lately and will be again next week.

2-1/2 hours was too long for BB so we stop at a rest area 20 miles before the hotel. We are on the same time line as last night. Drop about 4 PM, drive until 7 PM.

I did a lot of outdoor work this weekend and I was sore at the time and am still sore. Now I am wondering if it is because of the work or I am getting sick. Just achy.


US - 150

IA - 3/1

MN - 13

WI - 1

We have about 90 miles to go in the AM to get to the shipper, same as from home. The shuttle driver will be there about 7:30 and put my paperwork in the box for me. We will likely get there at 9 AM. I said I hoped the shuttled drivers were gone by then, dispatch said not to count on it.

If we get to the shipper at 9 AM, we should be out of the truck stop down the road by 10 AM. Then four plus hours to the drop so we should be dropped by 3 PM. Hopefully something other than a trash truck for the next day.

And hopefully I'm up for two more days. We likely won't work again after Friday until after the middle of the moth.