1 trash truck to Aurora IL (delivered)

2 RV's to Hershey PA

... spending the night at Charles City IA

))) site was down Friday, will update later (((

(It's now later ... this was written Friday, but cut and pasted a week plus later)

Load board

US - 115

IA - 10/9

MN - 4

WI - 3

Alarm woke us both up. Breakfast was OK.

We get out to do my truck inspection and the alarm that was on yesterday is still on ... plus I now have the back up alarm going off. At 7:30 AM. I'm guessing it was the wakeup call for a few at the hotel this AM, sorry.

I shut the truck off, all power off until I was ready to go. Then started the truck and threw it in gear. BB said the back up alarm went off as soon I start moving. I don't realize it is off until I am pulling on the freeway. Then all the alarms go off for a few miles.

1st stop is five miles down the road at the TA, only one truck at the pumps so no waiting. Not sure how much fuel I need so I fill.

From here it is a non-stop trip to the drop. I have both ear plugs in by now, the beeping never stops for long.

I do have two of the turns written down but don't need them. Basic freeway to freeway, then three turns once we are off the freeway.

I get to the drop and someone talking on their phone outside talks to me before I am ready to get out of the truck. They get someone else to tell me where to park and then once I have my things cleaned out a third person does a quick inspection. 15 minutes and we are ready to roll.

We take care of our paperwork and then head west. Dealing with the alarm and having to fuel cost us a little more time than we had planned but we're still good.

By now BB can see that her tolls for the car have come through but only one of mine for the truck has. A little later another one comes through from the truck but not on the transponder ... somehow they emailed us we owed them money. I was told that if the could see my plate, they would match it to our transponder. That did not happen.

Then BB paid it so now we can't get it matched up to the transponder for billing the shipper. And the final toll hasn't come through at all.

1st stop with the car is Loves in Rochelle for gas and shelf food. Not wanting to make a lot of stops so combined rest break, gas and food.

BB has already been assigned her RV trip but I have not.

2nd stop was the rest area near Cedar Rapids. I was going to call my clinic back but couldn't find the number on my phone (found it later on biz card in the car :) )

Did finally call dispatch about my RV, after putting me on hold for a while they finally assigned me one. I wanted to make sure I had a reason to rush back to IA.

Somewhere after than I get a call that my RV will not be ready until after 5:30 ... so we decide to eat something first.

Culvers is our 3rd stop. Ice cream only.

At the shipper my RV is still not ready. We finally take it as is about 6 PM because it is getting late and we are getting close to me running up against my 14 hours for the day.

BB is tired. She wants to stop ASAP. But the cheap hotel in Clear Lake is full and the better ones are $200+ ... so we will go the extra hour plus down the road, after we fuel.

Fuel at Loves, mine takes $200+ for the first fuel.

Comfort Inn in Charles City is the hotel.

Shelf food from Kwik Star is our food. It is now almost 10 PM