... spending the night at home

A mixed week. We had wanted to be home for Saturday and there had been no work last weekend so we deadheaded 1,000+ miles home.

... only to find out one of our house guests was sit and now we had been exposed. So we <> sat the week out at home. There were a few things that could have worked but we have been on the road before when some bug hits us and we have to drag ourselves to get to the drop.

Finally on Saturday AM, I called dispatch to check on a trip. No one took it so if it is still there on Monday we will grab it and likely just do and out and back.

The other thing about sitting home is that the calendar fills up. Now BB has plans for Wednesday so we don't likely have time to do a 2nd leg this week.

Our closest shipper for our main carrier has had very few trips lately. On FB, drivers of other carriers are saying they are now getting trips from there and they had not before ... and a few weeks ago we had gotten a company email not to contact one of the dispatchers phone numbers. Still don't know if that means that dispatcher is gone or there were other reasons with the phone.

And our main shipper, the RV's, is still running slow. We are hoping to grab something next week and then get out of town on Friday. As of now, it is one of those rare times when we have close to a month with no appointments or family plans.

Load board - Monday

US - 127

IA - 2

MN -0-

WI - 3

Load board - Tuesday

US - 160

IA - 6

MN -0-

WI - 5

Load board - Wednesday

US - 155

IA - 17

MN - 1

WI - 2

Load board - Thursday

US - 147

IA - 13

MN - 1

WI - 1

Load board - Friday

US - 152

IA - 18

MN - 3

WI - 4

Load board - Weekend

US - 156

IA - 17

MN - 4

WI - 4