2 RV's to Medford OR (delivered)

... spending the night at Woodland CA

We had no plans for today and the forecast was for rain. So we are still awake at 4 AM :(

We had their breakfast and my leftovers of meatloaf. Pretty good, BB helped me eat them so I didn't get stuffed. This place did not have any kind of juice with breakfast. Other than that it was OK.

Not sure what hotel chain built this hotel but it has a colonial look. The chain doesn't have that look and neither does anything else in the area.

Before check out time, it had quit raining and we headed out. We had both found a place called Turtle Bay Exploration Park and Sundial Bridge. It was free and also had a botanical garden.

What we didn't know was the Sundial Bridge was a glass bottom bridge. We did make it across twice. But likely never again. The first time across the bridge, my jacket sleeve got soaked because I was 'leaning' on the railing the whole way across (instead of holding on.) On the way back it was BB that no longer liked it and she walked on the one panel that was not glass while holding on to my arm.

We did walk about a mile and a half. The park is about 200 acres. We did not look at any of the 'explore' area's.' But we likely will come back. The bridge is 700 feet long, but I was not able to find out how high the bridge is. The river was running high and fast today.

It looked like storms were coming in so we did not want to be too far from the car when they did.

2nd stop of the day was a cemetery in Orland.

3rd stop was the Pilot truckstop for juice and a restroom. BB also got a slice of pizza.

4th stop was just down the road from the Pilot at the Willows cemetery.

Then it was time to head in the direction of the buses. We have looked at other work in case there are no buses. But ...

There is a truck near us going 400 miles but that would be almost 400 miles back.

BB is still watching the weather ... and decides we need to stop now. Luckily there was a rest area one mile down the road. The next exit would have been too late. Even where we were we got hit with some sand sized hail. We did sit there until the storm blew over. Today it is just small 20 minute storms, not the all day drencher that we had yesterday. And rain it must have, the rows between the orchard trees are full of water. Don't see that often.

While we sat here, I called the bus dispatcher. He said he would call back but I should have work today or tomorrow.

6th stop was the next exit. Gas at the Pilot in Dunningan. While I was filling, dispatch called back. No bus today but tomorrow I will either be going to OH or PA but I will be going.

Weather. Another reason not to take work for tomorrow. Donners pass pretty much is requiring chains and by Sunday there were be an even bigger storm moving in. Winter is not over yet.

BB looked at going down to Lathrup where the food trucks are but now there website only lists four where it used to list 20+. Maybe the trucks are still there but we didn't want to drive an extra two hours in heavy traffic and pay $20 more for a hotel and then the food not be there.

7th and final stop was in Woodland at a Comfort Inn. So instead we stopped the next exit that had a good hotel. Jack in the Box was the only food within walking distance so we drove across the freeway to Sourdough. Chicken salad sandwich and potato soup.

Seeing we are going to be on the road again for another week plus, BB wants to do laundry in the AM before we leave. We only have about 100 miles to go tomorrow and we don't get the paperwork for our buses until 4-5 PM.

FB ...

I have removed myself from our carriers group, too much in-fighting. But todays topic was the OR permits. Lot's of bad info being passed around.

And ...

One of our drivers has not been heard from for a week. Left out of TX with a bread truck, checked in with a friend and told them where he was ... nothing more. He should have delivered in Portland OR Tuesday or Wednesday and now it is Thursday. No check in, no family calls, doesn't answer the phone and no fuel purchased.

Load board

US - 133

IA - 2

MN - 4

WI - 2

Tomorrow. Get down to Livermore about 3 PM. Inspect bus as soon as I get assigned. Then call for permits as soon as I have paperwork. I plan on going via I-40 no matter where I am going. To most cities in OH and PA there is about a 100 mile difference going I-40 or I-80.

Likely deliver on Thursday and see if there is something we can pick up before the weekend heading home ? Or ?

Today there is two trucks in PA coming back to WI. Not likely to still be there in a week.