Spent the day watching the load board, only recorded the times when there was changes ... and we each were checking more often than every 15 minutes. We did not leave the house or have any other projects so this was an on going thing.

Someone must have had an issue with their first RV, that is usually the only way that this terminal will dispatch after hours.

There were a few good trips, but no pairs. The closest that came was a trip to CA ... it was on the screen ... we hit refresh ... it was gone and different RV to the same location was there.

But that is a gamble we are not ready to take so early in the month. Even these long trips do not pay if just one of us is driving the first leg. Hoping there will be a pair in the next 24 hours only works if we want to leave town with or without work.

As more trips get put on the load board, even the good ones are staying on the board longer.

We thought we had a side job of moving family from AZ back to MN, but they did some checking on moving trucks and right now, it is cheaper to hire a moving crew than to rent a one way truck from MN. And that is before the mileage, gas, hotels, etc.

7:45 - 9

8:00 - 8

8:15 - 4

9"45 - 3

10:00 - 2

10:15 - 1

11:15 - 2

2:30 - 6

2:35 - 8

2:45 - 6

3:00 - 4

3:15 - 1

3:45 - 6

4:00 - 5

4:15 - 6

4:30 - 5

Load board

US - 90

IA - 8/4

MN - 3

WI - 5