1 lawn truck to Burnsville MN

2 RV's to Grand Junction CO (Monday)

... spending the night at home

No alarm but still up before it would usually go off. The only plus side is on the rare occasion, we don't get woken up out of a deep sleep.

Minimal breakfast.

Frost on a few vehicles but not on ours.

Traffic is light but steady. We pass one toll today.

1st stop of the day is in Mauston at the Pilot for fuel. We do the math and guess we are getting about 10 mpg. First pump I pull up to is not working but is not bagged off.

... math says we should put in 20 gallons.

Today we saw three city buses heading to NY, not sure if it is my company or the other's. We also saw a few other dispatchers including one that passed us a couple of times with a carrier I hadn't heard of before.

2nd stop is Grizzly's in Eau Claire. Great food, a real people person for our waiter. Over $50 but we have a meal or two in leftovers.

For the last 700 miles I have been driving this truck at 60 mph. Rough ride and in hopes to get better mileage, and we are in no rush. About a half hour from home, someone pulls along side of me and stays there ... and stays there. Finally I speed up a little, so do they. I hit the breaks, so do they. The driver and the passenger are both just staring straight ahead. Something is off and I don't want them next to me.

Finally, instead of waiting for the next exit, I hit the breaks and the shoulder. They keep going. But ... traffic must have gotten backed up about a mile why they were beside me, it took a long time before there was a break for me to get back in traffic.

I had been watching traffic the whole trip. I don't think there was another time where anyone had to wait for one or two cars to clear before they could get past me. I hadn't caused any bottle necks before on this trip.

3rd and final stop was home. I had thought that maybe I would be able to fit in the garage. No, the top of my windshield was about the same height as the door, and likely still had another six inches on top of that.

So, it will be parked in my driveway for the next two nights. Hopefully none of the neighbors think that this is a sign that I will now be taking care of my lawn.

We under guessed on the fuel. Based on the last tank, it was about 44 miles from 1/4 to 1/8. And from my house to the drop is 37 miles. Right now I have over the 1/4 tank needed so I will be leaving a little extra fuel in this truck.

Load board

US - 275

IA - 34/31

MN - 5

IA -0-

Tomorrow we will need to use our old car to run errands, drop off paperwork at the local dispatch office, etc.

Then Monday we will drop this truck, hopefully at the customer and head to IA and then maybe as far as NE the first night.