2 RV's to Dayton OH

... spending the night at Englewood OH

Last night ...

It rained, down poured. And hailed, small pea sized this time. Then later I went out to get my jacket and there was still a light show going on. By using my phones video, I was able to get a good picture of the lightning.

This AM ...

BB grabs our leftovers out of the fridge and realizes the fridge is not plugged in. So we have to throw away the half of the food we did not eat last night. 2nd time that I have not gotten to eat my spiced apples.

We had made sure we saved food from last night because this place does not have much for food. But, this is the weekend and they do have eggs and sausage. But unlike the place last week that had five pounds of bacon sitting on the warmer, this place would only put out three pieces of each at a time. That was enough for us.

It is almost 9 AM central when we finally get going. It is still raining a little and will be most of the day.

As we get to the 2nd stop light, ding, ding, ding ... my landing gear is coming down again so I need to pull over and bring it back up. Only takes a few seconds.

No traffic issues today, just lots of wind. Our first stop will be for fuel before the IL-IN border at Loves. We put in what fuel we think will get us there. I then put in another two gallons which should leave me on 'E' with the low fuel light on.

The wind is enough that BB wants to stay on the freeway and not take our cross country shortcut. Instead we will get off the freeway for a few miles in the 'run down' area of town. Staying on the freeway adds another half hour or so because of the road construction. In this 'run down' area, there are very few name brand store fronts anymore. There used to be a four anchor mall, now completely empty. Most other stores are open, they have just taken on new names. So it is really not that 'run down' except for the mall.

BB gets behind me on the city street and I don't see her again for maybe 20 minutes. I knew she had turned on her GPS at the last stop and this street merges back onto the freeway at the other end so not much issue of getting lost. Stopped maybe, but not lost.

Instead of the 20 mile fuel range at the drop I was expecting to have, I should have about a 100 mile range ... $$$

We had picked Steak n Shake for food. We parked at the Home Depot across the street because I was not sure how much parking they would have. They did have plenty of room but by then we were already parked.

Another good 'garlic burger.' No malt.

Short day. Next stop is the hotel. The Comfort Inn near Dayton. BB is hungry so we walk across the parking lot to the Waffle House. Good breakfast compared to hotel food. Someone behind us was getting steak and eggs. Somehow steak from a Waffle House does not appeal to me.

After we talk for an hour back at the hotel about our plans after dropping tomorrow, we go for a short walk, not quite a mile this time.

Before we shut down for the night, we hear someone backing in out in the parking lot. He has a trash truck. I had to go out and see him as I thought he might be a former co-driver that now moves that brand. He wasn't, but it turns out he also lives in MN. I stood out there too long talking to him without a jacket. Like I thought that not wearing a jacket would limit my time out there ???

1st stop - Fuel in Oakwood IL

2nd - Steak-n-Shake in Greenfield

3rd - Comfort Inn/Waffle House in Englewood/Dayton

As of now ...

We have decided not to take trucks to DC. There is not enough money in the trip. As seems to happen on these trips, we weigh the cost of heading straight back vs moving trucks which slow us down and then we have to pay extra for rental cars and hotels. We usually head straight home. But there is not any RV's so back to trash trucks.

Plan is to move a trash truck near Dayton about 50 miles if the pay is worth it. Then we MAY also move an RV from IN to WI. We can only get a rental car from Dayton for 3+ days. No one or two day moves. At one point we had planned on using a local Dayton rental to drive to Cinci to get a one way. Then we could have had a one or two day rental. That would have worked if we were going to move the DC trips. But now we have work we can do that make the three day rental pay.

... and it would cost the same to get three rentals between trucks if we went that route, so instead one car, a little more fuel and a lot less hassle.