1 city bus to Des Moines IA

... spending the night at Cheyenne WY

No issues today :)

Breakfast is getting better here. During covid, breakfast was Ding Dongs and Ho Ho's.

Short chat with the desk clerk when we checked out. They said during covid, they were down to 0, 1, 2, 3 people a night. Last night they only had four empty rooms. (My guess is it is about a 100 room hotel.) They also commented that it is in part because people are getting there tax refunds ... ? so they head to a casino town ?

Weigh scale is closed so that saves us a few minutes or seconds. A little more water on the salt flats. People are still driving on the flats, others try to and then get stuck. Enough wind today that there were very few 'mirror' spots. Pretty for the few seconds I did see them.

First stop of the day is in Tooele for fuel. I also text the shipper so that they know the shop did get us rolling on Friday and we have 200 miles behind us with no issues. When I went in to get my receipt, I had to wait for someone who was trying to get cash, but the computer said he had nothing to get. Glad we do not have to rely on that system.

When we get to WY we have to cross the scale. I get the bypass but I ALWAYS go in and talk to them, so far. So I get in line to cross the actual scale and someone with a boat is having an issue. One of the officers is outside talking to them as the rest of us wait. Once I cross the scale, the first light says to park ... but the next light has an arrow to get back on the freeway.

I park. When I walk in, I get someone new. I haven't seen them before and they ask questions that say they are new. I say I don't have what they are asking for and tell them what I do have. They repeat what they asked for the first time. Then someone else in the office brings them my scale weight, they look at it, ask if I want the copy and then say I am free to go. This time we were only 140# under. I don't remember being that close before, we must be putting on weight.

Five miles down the road we stop at Arby's and again split a chicken salad sandwich. Nothing else this time.

They have lots of snow in western WY. There are places where most of the ground is still covered. And it looks fresh, white. All the way across the state there is snow by the snow fence. In places the drifts are almost as high as the 20 foot high snow fences.

We see a lot of prong horn deer today. And a few carcass of elk and other deer. We also see a few flocks of sheep, 100's in a flock.

Next stop is in Green River for a rest break at the Loves. While we are there, I had more DEF. Still planning on keeping it almost full. No issues of any kind so far.

Another rest stop at the TA in Rawlins, no one tries to get on the bus today. Most not be time for the Greyhound yet.

Somewhere along here I noticed a semi pull out to pass me long before he needed to. Not an issue as there was no one else near us. But by the time he was starting to actually pass me, some other semi started driving down the center lane behind us, flashing his lights fast. If traffic is backing up when someone is trying to pass me, I will back off so they get past faster ... but if the driver is acting crazy ...

Once the first semi is completely beside me, I can not longer see the second semi's lights. Then they start riding the left shoulder and throwing sand, gravel and dust in the air. Once both semi's are past me ... the one in the rush isn't really going more than a couple of mph faster than we were. Just didn't like to be blocked I guess.

400 miles from the last fuel stop and we are in Laramie. Now my mpg has gone from 5, to 8 to almost 10 with the nice tail wind we are having today. While we are here, we get food. Lasagna. We should have split one, instead we each got one. Good for shelf food but too much but we both ate all of ours.

We had planned on staying here but the hotel in Cheyenne is cheaper and gets us another hour down the road. Then we decide to stay at the nicer hotel in Cheyenne which was the same price as the one in Laramie.

Wind changes directions just before we get to Cheyenne. No tailwind for tomorrow.

Not sure what happened but BB is not feeling well, she even had to sit while I checked in, then laid down as soon as we got to our room. After a few minutes she did come with me back to the bus to get the second load of luggage.

That's when I noticed something dragging. Not sure what. I was able to get under far enough to get it to not drag. I see no purpose for what was dragging. Just a small piece of rubber.

Load board

US - 271

IA - 69/64

MN - 14

WI - 6

Tomorrow should be our usual, stop ever two hours and stop after 500 miles which will be Omaha. That will leave about three hours for Monday AM. Very likely that we will be delivered and home Monday night.