171024 - IA to FL - Day 9

St Paul  • 
Up by the break of dawn even without an alarm clock. Breakfast and then a two hour drive to Forest City, but first a quick stop at Clear Lake. Nothing on our workboard that's good enough to keep us on the road. One final stop for fuel, actually two. First stopped at the Holiday station but gas was $...

171023 - IA to FL - Day 8

Johnston  • 
Delivery will take deliveries as early as 7 am, we got there about 8:30. It was only 5 miles. No issues at delivery other than I forgot to have them sign one document so I had to go back after I called our office. First stop was gas on the north side of OKC. We drove quite a ways on city streets jus...

171022 - IA to FL - Day 7

Oklahoma City  • 
No alarm clock but still up and rolling by 8 am... to do that five miles one last time. BB has to stop for fuel in Palestien, AR, but we don't meet up until lunch at Clarksville at Arbey's. Luckily there is a Walmart across the street for parking. This one even has marked spots for RV/big rigs and t...

171021 - IA to FL - Day 6

West Memphis  • 
Didn't call my contact ahead of time this morning so we had to wait for him. I originally said we would be at pickup by 10, then later changed it to 9 AM. He finally got there after I called him at about 10:30. Mostly talked shop for an hour about the three divisions of this company. After he was do...

171020 - IA to FL - Day 5

Anniston  • 
Early morning, didn't want to get up before the alarm was to go off so I lay there. Then I am up, eat a lite breakfast and gone from the motel by 6:30 eastern. Sun will be up shortly, the sky is just starting to lighten in the east. BB will leave later and catch up. First stop is fuel about a 100 mi...

171019 - IA to FL - Day 4

Titusville  • 
Early day today, wanted to be able to get south of Jacksonville before dark. First stop was for fuel, from here I should be able to make delivery without fueling again. This RV really is a pain to fuel having to fuel it in the rear. The first pump I stopped at I would have blocked all cross traffic,...

171018 - IA to FL - Day 3

Flat Rock  • 
BB stopped and added a gallon of gas to get to the drop, then about a 30 minute drive to get there. We fuel about two blocks from the drop and as she is waiting to get back on the street, another RV gets ahead of us. We got there about 10:30, the guy who checks us in got there at 11 today. So we did...

171017 - IA to FL - Day 2

Englewood  • 
Got going this AM at sun up. First fuel was only 30 miles down the road, but that is where it would be cheapest until ??? First scale of the day, I have to cross but BB didn't because hers is under 10,000# DOT rules. Caught up to her this time. I do not like the new Intent I am driving, gas filler i...

171016 - IA to FL - Day 1

Moline  • 
We ended up staying in town an extra day because we had been off work for more than 30 days and no one working Saturday could put us back on duty. If we had left Sunday we would have gone to CO, instead we are heading to FL via OH. OH was the only place that had a little one going that was enroute t...