Not a long day planned but we do need to get the rental car returned before they close at 4 pm today. We get going after 7:30.

Only one stop on the way down to Vera Beach at the Palm Bay rest area about 20 miles before my pickup. Got to the pickup a little after 10 am, I had told them that it would be before 3 pm. But that was before the other truck broke down. Found the truck right away sitting in the far corner of the lot. It took a little longer to find the person who was going to help me.

Helpful guy, he came out to check the truck out and sign the paperwork ... and take the plate. Sounds like Lowe's is not using their own drivers now in FL. Article online said something like ... 'Lowes is laying off drivers where the drivers are too busy' ... and using a delivery service ???

Anyhow, I get to move a truck. 26,000# with air brakes. One pound more and it would be CDL pay. Only a quarter of a tank of fuel and the cab was not cleaned, more than just a little messy. I was able to get a hold of dispatch to let them know I picked this one up and didn't call the customer about the broken one ... I guess that isn't my job, someone else should have taken care of it.

I see fuel for $2.79 but I want to get a ways down the road before fueling. It seemed like there were plenty of truck stops ... until you want one. I'd gone most of 20 miles after the low fuel light came on before I found a Pilot, for $3.21. But it beats walking. Small place, can't pull ahead until you are ready to leave. Thought about getting something to eat but forgot when I was in the building.

Back on the road I realize it is going to be closer to 4 pm before we stop to eat. So I start drinking some juice and eating a few Oreo's. No one is going to notice in this truck. Set the cruise at 65 and I'm good. Even turned the heat on a little today when it was cloudy. 59 degrees then, 70's in the sun but we are heading north, for now.

I get to Jacksonville to pickup BB at 3:15, they close at 4 so we didn't have a lot of time to spare. I need to take a legal break but I want to get past Jacksonville. I still have time and on the north end of town there is a Loves. I get Chesters and BB has Subway. Lunch at 4 pm local. After looking at GasBuddy I fuel at Loves also.

Another hour down the road and we stop in Brunswick at the Sleep Inn for the night. Not really hungry but we walk over to ChinaTown restaurant to eat again. I don't think I have ever eaten all the food they give me at an Asian place. Food was good, neither of us finished what we ordered and no reason to take it with us.

We have less than 400 miles to go tomorrow so a short day.

Not sure what happens after we deliver the second truck Monday. There is one going back to FL, which sounds like a good idea, there just isn't much money in just moving one truck. And Monday is a holiday, I don't think any manufacturing has the day off but I don't know. If we work, it cuts down on our chances of grabbing the next 'great' run. But working every day is what pays the bills.

Had our daughter check the house today, all is good so we may stay out until we run out of drugs ... about another two weeks. We also have to pickup our mail by then or they start sending it back to who sent it. 99% junk but ...